Currently in production: MIRACLES and MATTHEW COWLEY, a documentary film for broadcast and on-line distribution. Two “Miracles” speeches are featured and woven throughout the documentary: “Miracles” by Elder Matthew Cowley (1953) delivered at Brigham Young University and “Miracles” by President Dallin H. Oaks (2000) delivered at Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Matthew Cowley in New Zealand
The Matthew Cowley Media Project
Miracles and Matthew Cowley is just one facet of a much larger archival media project based on the works and teachings of Elder Matthew Cowley. Creating this archive has been a unique and enlightening experience, featuring well-documented examples of the inspiring reality of current day miracles.
Matthew Cowley served in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as both a missionary and Mission President in New Zealand and later as an Apostle in The Quorum of the Twelve. His life story and teachings often bring to mind two words that are echoed throughout his talks and in the books and many articles that have been written about him: faith and miracles.
Through dozens of 100 Years Media interviews with people who knew Matthew Cowley, were blessed by him, worked and served with him, or even just heard him speak, another character defining word surfaced: ministering. Elder Cowley had a gift for believing in and connecting with people, especially those who were ill or otherwise struggling with life challenges. Countless people were and continue to be impacted and inspired by his faithful and faith-promoting ministering.
One of Matthew Cowley’s favorite expressions, learned in New Zealand, is the Maori phrase Kia Ngawari, which translated means to be kind, loving, and humble - signature qualities of his remarkable life and legacy. His sudden death at the relatively young age of 56 was a shock to everyone, except Matthew Cowley himself. The stories behind that, and other inspiring facets of his life, will be available as part of The Matthew Cowley Media Project.
project partners
Glen L. Rudd Foundation
New Zealand Missionary Society
with generous project SUPPORT from
BYU Harold B. Lee Library, Special Collections
BYU Speeches
Church History Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Matthew Cowley family
If you would like to know more about this and other 100 Years Media projects, please email us by clicking the “Contact” tab on this site.